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Embark on a transformative journey with my specialized hypnosis treatments tailored to meet your individual needs. You have three different paths to choose from:

QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) by Dolores Cannon

Immerse yourself in the revolutionary Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT), inspired by Dolores Cannon. This method allows you to access profound insights by delving into the theta brainwave state, offering a unique and powerful approach to healing and understanding yourself. This hypnotic journey will open even deeper inner doors than the regression method.


NEW thus
Price = Review


can last several hours

Past Life Regression

Uncover the secrets of your soul's journey through past life regression. Explore the echoes of your past lives, gaining valuable insights that contribute to your present well-being. This unique journey can bring clarity, healing, and a fresh perspective to your current existence.


80.00 EUR
per hour


can last several hours

Theta Brainwave Reprogramming and Self-Hypnosis Training

Option for traditional Theta brainwave reprogramming, designed to address immediate concerns and foster lasting changes. This approach focuses on making direct contact with the subconscious mind, rewriting unwanted thought and behavior patterns, and shaping a future aligned with your truest self. This option also serves as a valuable tool for individuals seeking training in the art of self-hypnosis.


60.00 EUR


1 Hour

The hypnosis sessions I offer here provide a personalized journey to self-discovery and healing. Whether you choose the groundbreaking QHHT, explore past lives, or opt for theta brainwave reprogramming with self-hypnosis training, each path leads to profound changes and personal development.

Are you ready to explore the depths of your consciousness and unlock the keys to your well-being? Book a session today and let my special hypnosis treatments guide you to the transformative experience you seek. Your journey to healing and self-discovery begins within.

Testimonials Treatments


(please click on the picture to see the full text/translation)


In treatments that embrace mind, body, and soul's delight,
A harmonious dance, a tranquil, healing flight.
With every touch, a symphony, pure and bright,
In wellness realms, we find our spirits alight.

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